
Jewel of the Andes

Ecuador boasts a national “Good Living Plan” and has established legal rights for nature, so you can marvel at protected ecosystems spanning coastal, jungle, and mountain habitats.

Take a lesson in natural history in the unique volcanic Galapagos Islands, the well-known seat of Darwin’s most famous ideas, a place sure to inspire you as well. The place where Darwin played with his finches and perfected his theories on evolution is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and you can book your own private boat and dive in these amazing waters or simply wander the lava rock trials in search of blue-footed boobies.

Ecuador is famous for the ‘Avenue of the Volcanoes’, an impressive 200 km string of 14 volcanoes over 15,00 ft in elevation. Nowhere else on earth can you find such high, magnificent mountains so easily accessible. The Cotopaxi Volcano is one of the most incredible mountains in Ecuador and also one of the highest active volcanoes in the world. At an incredible 19,347 ft it rises from the Oriental Andes Mountain Range in a perfectly symmetric conic form that is entirely covered in snow, all at a stone`s throw from Quito. Explore the tropical jungles of the Amazon Oriental or cool off in the Andean highlands – everwhere you turn the culture is rich and the land beautiful.


Sunset Iguana -Isabela Island

10 Day Galapagos Adventure

Experience the famed volcanic Galapagos Islands with this action packed adventure! The islands offer endless opportunities to witness ...

8 Day Ecuador MultiSport

Are you looking for a challenge? Ecuador is home to a treasure of unique climates with some of ...

11 Day Best of Ecuador & Galapagos

A truly unique lifetime adventure blending the spectacular geography of Ecuador's mainland of active volcanoes, immense canyons, vast ...


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